Business Accounting & Tax Planning

Business Accounting (Tax Return Ready Bookkeeping)

Small business owners only have so much time.  I know; I am one of them!  You must spread your time between three major areas:  sales and marketing; manufacturing and/or service; administration.  Sales and marketing bring business through the door–that makes you money.  Manufacturing or service–what you sell and collect money for–also makes you money.  Administration–keeping the books–done well saves you money; done poorly costs you money (someone has to fix it); it never makes you money, and it steals time away from the activities that DO make you money.

Let us free you from time-stealing bookkeeping so you can do what makes you more money.  We do it all for a lot of businesses.  We can do it for you, too.

Or we can check your work and do periodic corrections, bank reconciliations…whatever you need.  We can help.

Flat Fee Full Service Bookkeeping Charges for 2025

Gross Annual Receipts                      Monthly Charge
Up to $100,000 $132
100,001 to $300,000 $254
$300,001 to $500,000 $375
$500,001 to $1,000,000 $528
$1,000,001 and over $660


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